residents tax中文什么意思

发音:   用"residents tax"造句
  • resident:    adj. 1.居住的 (at; in ...
  • tax:    n. 1.税,租税,租款 (on; ...
  • residents:    居留者
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  1. These taxes include the corporate portion of residents taxes , and the fixed assets tax
  2. In fiscal 2004 , a new income transfer tax was introduced as a provisional measure until the full - fledged transfer of tax sources from income tax to individual resident tax
    此外,作为实施从所得税向个人居民税转换的正式税源移让的暂定措施, 2004财政年度开始创设所得让与税。
  3. At present , a certain proportion of the tax revenue from the three metropolitan taxes corporate portion of the residents tax , fixed assets tax and special land ownership tax is allocated to the ward governments


  1. residents 什么意思
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  4. residents of a city; townspeople 什么意思
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  6. residents’ bank savings deposit 什么意思
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